Adoption Application Form

Name is required.
Address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip code must be 5 digits
Primary Phone is required.
Invalid phone number
Invalid phone number
Invalid phone number
Invalid phone number
Email Address is required.
This is not a valid email.
All of the information I have given above is true and correct. I understand that if any of my responses above are not true, that Cavalier Rescue USA reserves the right to confiscate any dog they have adopted to me. Should I adopt a dog from this organization. I agree to provide the dog with proper and sufficient food, water, shelter, training, medical care, companionship and humane treatment at all times. I further agree that Cavalier Rescue USA (aka CKCSCR Inc.) is in no way liable or responsible for any damage, accident or injury resulting from the placement of a dog into my household.

We reserve the right to refuse any person or persons from fostering or adopting a dog from our organization.